EU Romanian Passport

Inherit Romanian Citizenship by descent and gain Romanian EU passport

The Most Comprehensive Online Legal Service for Romanian Citizenship and Romanian European Passport & More

Romania is the last corner of Europe where you see a true sustainability and complete resilience, and the maintaining of an entire ecosystem to the benefit of the mankind but also for nature.

His Majesty Charles the Third

of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of His other Realms and Territories King, Head of the Commonwealth

There are more than 7 million People of Romanian Descent

There are more than 7 million People of Romanian Descent (including Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria) that live abroad. Also, there are more than 3.5 million of Romanians that live outside of Romania today, which itself has a population of about 19,7 million. This means that more than 1/2 of Romanians and people of Romanian descent actually live outside of the country. This is the fourth place from Europe after Great Britain, Poland and Germany.

Romania EU member one of its biggest countries

Romania is an EU member since 2007 and is one of the biggest countries in the Union. After the Second World War, international migration, in terms of the population of Romania, after a peak determined by the dramatic political mutations, almost entirely decreased during the communist period, to grow exponentially again with the events of December 1989 and especially after Romania has joined the European Union on 1 January 2007 (over 500 000 people left Romania in that year). Many people of Romanian origin have now a shortcut to the EU citizenship and EU passport: Romanian citizenship by descent

The benefits about Romanian EU Citizenship

European citizens are the owners of the most valuable passports in the world. Romanian EU citizenship grants you the 42th most valuable passport in the world before other countries like: ISRAEL, CROATIA, RUSIA, ARGENTINA, MEXIC, BRAZIL, URUGUAY, PARAGUAY, VENEZUELA, SOUTH AFRICA, etc.

As an EU citizen, you’ll immediately travel much easier, and cheaper too. You will not need a visa to travel anywhere within the EU. You can study and work legally across the whole European Union – in countries such as Germany, France, Spain, Italy, UK, The Netherlands – without the need of going through long and expensive visa applications or requests for special permissions. Additionally, any qualification of higher education gained within an EU member country will be recognized and be valid in all other EU countries. As an EU citizen, you’ll automatically have the right to the advanced medical healthcare and treatment in any EU country. Any minor children that you may have at the time of your recognition as a Romanian EU citizen will also automatically be recognized as Romanian EU citizens. If you and your partner are planning on starting a family, any children you have after your recognition will be born with the status of being a citizen of Romania.

How to get Romanian Citizenship

Who we are?

About us

Since 2010, we have been advising people of Romanian origine to gain legal rights in the fields of citizenship by ancestry, civil status, vital records. Our Law Firm worked to help people of Romanian descent from various countries in receiving Romanian citizenship, Romanian European passport and other Romanian documents. Also, in this period of time, we helped Romanian Citizens from abroad to register in Romania their foreign vital records in order to obtain a Romanian EU passport, to renew their Romanian EU Passport or Romanian ID, or to get the official documents such us: birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, the recognisition of their foreign divorce document in Romania, the registration of their foreign divorce document in Romania, the name changes.

We provide legal assistance in the case when you want to get other documents that are unlisted on our website, and you can get them from Romanian authorities, Courts and other government institutions.

Whom do we address?


To people who have at least one Romanian ancestor born in Romania OR across border from a Romanian born ascendant, and want to gain Romanian EU citizenship and Romanian EU passport;


To people who lost Romanian EU citizenship and want to regain it or to their descendants up to second generation;


To Romanian citizens who want to obtain Romanian ID or to renew it;


To people who search their Romanian vital records documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce documents) or the vital records documents issued for their ascendants (parents, grandparents, great-grandparents);


To people who (re)obtained Romanian citizenship and need a Romanian EU passport;


To Romanian citizens who were born, got married or divorced or have changed their names outside Romanian territory, and want to register their foreign vital records documents in Romania, in order to obtain Romanian birth & marriage certificate and gain Romanian EU passport;


To Romanian citizens who want to register in Romania their foreign divorce document/certificate/decision, and to recognise in Romania the foreign divorce document;


To Romanian citizens residing outside Romania who lost or had their Romanian documents stolen/destroyed, namely to those citizens who lost their birth certificate, their marriage certificate, Romanian passport, the citizenship certificate, proof of Romanian citizenship;

How to Get an European Passport by Romanian Ancestry?

Instead of applying for a very expensive, difficult and long term procedure to gain EU citizenship in a foreign EU country (by investments, by naturalization, etc.), we recommend you to follow our free ELIGIBILITY CHECK in order to see if you have a ”shortcut” to attend your goal, namely if you will qualify for a Romanian EU passport. The most important condition is to have an ascendant (up to second generation) born in Romania. It will be very helpful if you will have at least copies of the Romanian documents held by your Romanian ancestor.





Our services


Reliable services

Only True and Honest Testimonials

The complex, international and integrative nature of legal work requires professionals to combine their specialized expertise in order to successfully serve the most attractive clients.
This is the principle behind our cooperation with the legal team from “” concerning cases of clients – Romanian-American Citizens.
Since our collaboration with the colleagues from “” managed by Mr. Gabriel Toma increased levels of client satisfaction and retention, we will continue to connect those legal experts with our international clients’ needs. We do recommend their aptitude to do world-class legal work in the fields of Romanian dual citizenship and Romanian administrative applications.

Anda Malescu

Esq, Malescu Law, Florida, USA

My case was very complex because I changed my name in Australia and I divorced in Australia. When I requested a Romanian Passport, I was told that I had to work with a Romanian Lawyer to facilitate the change of name in my birth certificate and to do the necessary work for the recognition of my Divorce from Australia on Romanian territory – Exequatur Court Decision.
I like to say that my lawyer Gabriel Toma performed all my requests in an exemplary way with minimum prices.
Therefore, I highly recommend the Law Office managed by Gabriel Toma for any work related to the change of name, issue of new birth certificate and Exequatur work

James P.

MPM, Melbourne, Australia

As a Holywood actor, I had the chance to work with Sergiu Nicolaescu in Bucharest, some years ago. This time, I needed some help in complicated official paperwork. Gabriel Toma, with his perfect English, was friendly, contientious, effective…and very reasonable. He is my man in Bucharest!

Michael Carven

Actor, Los Angeles, USA

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How to Get an European Passport by Romanian Ancestry ?

eligibility test